Thursday, June 5, 2014

Following My Dreams

Hey there readers!

So as you can see in my last post, I finished another piece! This one was totally different than anything I have ever done before. I am so used to having the control on my art so it was weird for me to put the control into the heat from the blow dryer. This project was so much fun to do and I absolutely love the way it turned out. I have loved experimenting with new materials and techniques. There is no better feeling than when I am focused on a project with music blaring in the background. It's such an easy and calming way for me to express myself. Looking at the art I have created so far, I would have never imagined being able to do anything like this.

The goal I set when starting off with this exploration was to be able to advance enough to start taking 2D art as a senior next year. This week I showed my portfolio to my teacher and I GOT IN! I could not be more excited and thrilled for next year. Looking back before I started this project, I remember hating my schedule and dreading going into. I have now changed my entire schedule to be able to follow a path of my dreams rather than the path I felt I had to take. Making this step was a huge accomplishment for me. I have always been such a planned out person that the changes have been really life changing but in such an incredible way. I will be able to continue this project for the rest of my life.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mi Pasión


¡Completé un dibujo más en el último mensaje! Me gusta este dibujo más de mi primera dibujo acuarela porque no tiene un error. Ese dibujo tiene un valor sentimental para mí porque mi abuela era una artista y le gustaban las flores del pensamiento y el color morado. Ella nunca podía mostrar mí sus técnicos de arte pero me gusta ver sus dibujos mucho.  Nunca pensé que podría hacer arte como este. Anoche yo exploré una forma nueva de arte. Usé los crayones, una tela, y un secador de pelo para hacerlo. Fue interesante para mí porque yo no tuve el control de los materiales. El calor del secador de pelo tuvo el control y formó el arte. Yo tuve mucho emocionado para este. Hay un vídeo del proceso: 

Este proyecto fue muy divertido e interesante. Yo estaba muy muy contento con el producto final. Pienso que podría cogerlo en mi casa. Posible en mi dormitorio porque me gusta muchas colores diferentes en mi dormitorio. Es muy calma y diferente.  Fue como nada que he hecho antes. Cuando estoy dibujando o haciendo, es un sentimiento tan inexplicable.  Me gusta dibujar o hacer con música alta y en espacio para solamente mí.  Es mi pasión, mi vida y me gusta tener el tiempo para explorar con no interrupciones.  Me gusta dibujar solo pero me gusta dibujar con otras artistas también porque ellos me dan sus opiniones y consejos para mis dibujos y cómo puedo mejorar.
Mi pasión 

Monday, May 26, 2014


Hey there readers!

It feels weird making a post in English again! To catch anyone up who can't read Spanish, we had our 20Time Pitch night recently. This went SO well. I loved being able to talk to so many different people especially some that shared some art experience and were able to give me tips and advice as well as ask me questions like what my favorite media was and things like that. Some even shared stories with me about their experiences. I would love to continue sharing my art like this. It was so neat to showcase it for the first time and have so many people be interested and like what I was doing.

As you can see I finally finished my first watercolor painting in the post below. I was disappointed in how it turned out due to the fact that one of the petals was messed up.   Guess I really am my own worst critic. It was definitely more difficult for me. Water color pencils are so different from normal sketching. To make the color lighter or darker, you often use a whole different color entirely instead of shading more or less. As you can see below, I did another watercolor flower painting. I am MUCH happier with how this one turned out. It has a little bit of sentimental value to me because my Great Grandma was a painter and she also loved the color purple and pansies as well. She never really got to teach me much about art but I love to look at what she created throughout the span of her life.

A new idea I have started thinking of, is the possibility of sending some of my artwork into places such as Teen Ink, newspaper competitions, magazines, etc... Up until the pitch night, I have never showed my art to anyone outside of my family and friends. Now that I have started, I am interested in the idea of showcasing it other places and reaching outside of my security of only myself and a few people seeing it. It is such a cool feeling to think hey others can see this or even at pitch night when I got to show others. So in the upcoming weeks, I may start to look into the idea of at least sending in some of my art other places.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

La presentación

¡Hola Amigos!

¡He estado tan ocupado esta semana pasada! Tuvimos el pitch de 20 time. En el pitch, yo tuve la oportunidad de mostrar mi arte para la primera vez. Yo usaba mis libros de dibujar, una tablero para otros dibujos que dibujé, mis materiales de arte, y otras cosas para presentar mi proyecto y mi pasión.    Fue una experiencia muy increíble. Yo tuve la oportunidad de hablar con mucha gente y escuchar sus opiniones y consejos para mí. Algunas personas me dijeron historie sobre su arte. Me gustó este evento mucho y quiero tener un evento similar como este otra vez.  En el futuro, yo quiero mostrar mi arte en otros lugares como teen ink, periódicos, revistas, etc…

!Completé un dibujo más! Este dibujo fue para mi mamá para el día de la Madre. Este es el primero dibujo yo usé lápices acuarelas y un cepillo de pintura. ¡Fue muy difícil! No me gusta este dibujo mucho porque uno de los pétalos de la flor no es correcto; pero mi mamá dice que yo soy mi crítica más severa. Porque los lápices acuarelas no son lápices normales, es difícil cuando haces un error porque no es posible borrarlo con una goma de borrar pero voy a seguir intentando. Ahora, yo estoy haciendo otro dibujo con lápices acuarelas. Me gusta este dibujo en el momento. Yo espero que no haga un error como el otro dibujo.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


¡Hola Amigos!

¡Completé un dibujo más en mi último mensaje! Yo pienso que el arte está completado nunca pero me gusta el progreso.  Yo quería combinar colores con mi arte en el último dibujo pero me gusta el blanco y negro más. Es muy difícil para mí para incorporar colores pero yo quiero añadir colores en dibujos en el futuro. Cuando estoy añadiendo colores, la técnica de dibujar es muy diferente que la técnica de dibujar con solamente blanco y negro. Para hacer el color más claro o más oscuro, necesito usar colores diferentes. Típicamente uso varios tipos de lápices no colores. Durante el tiempo, yo quiero combinar otras cosas que me encantan  en mi arte. A mí me gusta música mucho y quiero mostrar mi pasión de música en mi último dibujo. En el futuro, yo querré mostrar mi pasión para mis deportes también. Para incorporar colores, yo quiero usar los lápices acuarelas.

Durante la semana pasada, yo fui a Michaels para nuevo materiales de arte. Yo compré lápices acuarelas y un cepillo de pintura.  Cuando estoy en una tienda de arte, yo soy como un niño en una tienda de dulces. Si tengo el tiempo, podría pasar muchas horas en Michaels, Hobby Lobby, o muchas tiendas similares.  En el futuro, yo querré comprar los colores de aceite, los colores de acrílico, los colores pastel, lunas, y muchas otras cosas. ¡Quiero toda la tienda!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Hey there readers!

So as you can see, I finally finished my first project as shown in my previous post! For those of you that can't read Spanish let me fill you in a little on what's been going on. The idea of my first project was to take 12 squares and form a representation of myself. In the past, I have struggled with making my art come alive and reflect emotion. My goal by incorporating myself, was to see how much my art could develop with myself coming alive through it. It has definitely been different for me trying to explore beyond what I am used to but I've become amazed with what I am capable of. I don't even know how much I can do with this! I am very excited to be able to start looking at my pieces and be able to think "wait I actually created this?" It's such an amazing feeling to know you accomplished something or in my case drew something beyond what you thought was even possible.

Going into my second project, my goal was to start incorporating color which is actually really scary for me. Let me be honest though...that hasn't happened. I have a very hard time with finishing the sketching of pieces and deciding that if I added color I could potentially ruin it. I have had the idea in my head for my second piece for quite a while as it is similar to a tattoo design I saw. When I began drawing it, I decided that instead of being realistic, why not incorporate something I love (music) into it? So I did.
 It's different for me, because I'm not used to any of my drawings not being realistic, but I think its neat to be able to look at an idea I've had and be able to feel something just by looking at the picture. Almost like music coming out of nature or in my opinion, art and music speak words that cannot be spoken and this combines them both. Art reflecting the music in the world we don't always see. Such as maybe the music of the wind or the silence in the middle of the woods. The simple sounds we take for granted.

As I continue forward in my art exploration, I actually do hope to start combining different medias. I plan to use colored pencils, paints, pastels, water color pencils, etc.. There's so much to do with art that I feel there never really is an end. Even when I look at the two pieces I have already done. As much as I love the art I have created, I still don't feel like they are complete. It's just an ongoing process that has been set to rest for the time being.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Un Reflejo de mí

¡Hola amigas!

Como se habrá notado, este blog es en español e inglés. Es porque, yo estoy completando el proyecto de 20time en la clase de inglés y la clase de español.  Yo espero explorar el mundo de español mientras estoy explorando el mundo del arte porque inglés es mi primera lengua.  

¡He terminado con mi primero dibujo! Estoy aprendiendo mucho. He utilizado muchos tipos diferentes de lápices como 9B, 8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, y H.  Me gusta empezar a dibujar el contorno con el B, HB, o H lápices.  Me gusta experimentar con los otros lápices.

Para mi próximo proyecto, espero utilizar lápices de colores, pasteles de aceite, o pinturas. Voy a experimentar con el arte que implica matemáticas también para un proyecto en mi clase de matemáticas. Dibujos como

¡Deséame suerte!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Beginning of Something Great

Hey there readers!

I realized in my first post I did not mention why it is in Spanish and in English. This blog will be a bilingual blog due to the fact that I am working on this project in my Spanish and my English class at this time. While the main focus of this project is to advance in my art skills, I also hope that I will be able to immerse myself in the Spanish language and become more fluent as English is my primary language. For any of you who do read both portions, I apologize, due to the fact that there will probably be some bad grammar in the Spanish portion. So bear with me as I improve!

I am now in my second week of working on this project. I decided to start my project by focusing on how to use different types of pencils such as ones with soft leads such as 9B, 8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, and 4B as well as tendre leads such as 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, and H. The higher the number goes, the darker the shade. I typically like to start with B, HB, or H when first sketching the outline and then experiment from there. I am not finished with my first drawing yet, although I intend to be either by the end of tonight, or by the end of this weekend and hope to have a picture up on here! After this drawing, I intend to move on to a still life image.

I have really enjoyed working on this project. It is even more enjoyable than i expected it to be, and I expected it to be pretty great. This is such a huge passion of mine and being given the time to draw has been incredible. So far so good, hopefully my progress continues to stay the same!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

An Introduction!

Hello fellow readers! My name is Madison Bowen. The purpose of this blog is to document my experience as I work to improve my artistic skills and explore new forms of art.  I have been passionate about art from a very young age. No one in my family is particularly artistic but I've always found myself intrigued with the stuff that I have encountered. I took art classes throughout middle school but I had to drop out of classes when I reached high school. As I am now going into my senior year, I recently made some major changes in my life and plans which is now allowing me to take an art class as a senior. I intend to use this time to advance my skills outside of my comfort zone (black and white pencil sketching) as well as learn about different artists and their techniques. I think art is very important to have in everyone’s life because it is a way of expressing yourself outside of words. The saying a picture is worth a thousand words has always had a lot of truth for me. 

¡Hola mis amigos! Soy Madison Bowen pero mi nombre en español es Anara. Este blog es para mis varios proyectos del arte. He estado interesado en el arte toda mi vida. Es mi pasión. El arte que me gusta hacer es dibujar en blanco y negro. Me gustaría tomar clases del arte, pero no pude. En el próximo año, yo tomaré una clase de arte para la primera vez. Para este proyecto, yo voy a explorar el arte fuera de mi zona de confort.